This is a federated plugin split into the following main packages:
- oidc: Ready to use flutter plugin that conforms to the OIDC spec. (
- oidc_core: Pure dart package that contains models and helpers for implementing the OIDC spec. (
- oidc_web_core: Pure dart package based on package:web which allows. (
- oidc_default_store: An implementation of
that uses flutter_secure_storage and shared_preferences. ( - oidc_loopback_listener: A pure dart package that creates a simple http server. (
And the following internal packages:
oidc_platform_interface: common interface that needs to be implemented in a platform.
oidc_android: Android implementation.
- oidc_ios: ios implementation.
- oidc_macos: macos implementation.
oidc_flutter_appauth: Base Implementation connecting packages with flutter_appauth, to use the AppAuth SDK, used in android, ios, macos.
oidc_web: Web implementation.
oidc_windows: windows implementation.
oidc_linux: Linux implementation.
oidc_desktop: base package for desktop implementation, used by windows and linux, this relies on
to host a server on a random port, and receive redirect responses via the server.