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An alternative to package:oidc for dart web apps, that does NOT depend on flutter.

This can be used in things like ngdart.

The package uses package:web to access browser APIs, making it also WASM compatible.

Learn more about developing dart web apps in:

Getting started

The setup here is similar to what is done in package:oidc

Add the dependencies

dart pub add oidc_web_core oidc_core

Add redirect.html page

You need a separate html page to be delivered with your app, which will handle oidc-related requests.

you can get the page from the example project:


it doesn't matter where you put the page and what you call it, but it MUST be delivered from your redirect_uri

for example, here is a common configuration using this page:

final htmlPageLinkDevelopment = Uri.parse('');
final htmlPageLinkProduction = Uri.parse('');

final htmlPageLink = kDebugMode ? htmlPageLinkDevelopment : htmlPageLinkProduction;

final redirectUri = htmlPageLink;
final postLogoutRedirectUri = htmlPageLink;
final frontChannelLogoutUri = htmlPageLink.replace(
    queryParameters: {
        'requestType': 'front-channel-logout'

Note how frontChannelLogoutUri needs requestType=front-channel-logout for the page to know the request type.

you will have to register these urls with the openid provider first, depending on your configuration.

also the html page is completely customizable, but it's preferred to leave the javascript part as is, since it's well-integrated with the plugin.


using this package is identical to package:oidc

you can also see an example here of a dart web app using this package

  1. Define the manager
    final manager = OidcUserManagerWeb.lazy(
        discoveryDocumentUri: OidcUtils.getOpenIdConfigWellKnownUri(
        // this is a public client,
        // so we use [OidcClientAuthentication.none] constructor.
        clientCredentials: const OidcClientAuthentication.none(
            clientId: 'interactive.public.short',
        // Use a web-only store
        store: const OidcWebStore(),
        settings: OidcUserManagerSettings(
            frontChannelLogoutUri: Uri(path: 'redirect.html'),
            uiLocales: ['en', 'ar'],
            refreshBefore: (token) {
                return const Duration(seconds: 1);
            // scopes supported by the provider and needed by the client.
            scope: ['openid', 'profile', 'email', 'offline_access'],
            // this url must be an actual html page.
            // see the file in /web/redirect.html for an example.
            // for debugging in flutter, you must run this app with --web-port 22433
            postLogoutRedirectUri: Uri.parse(''),
            redirectUri: Uri.parse(''),
  2. Init the manager
    await manager.init();
  3. Access the user
    manager.userChanges().listen((user) {});
  4. Login
    final user = await manager.loginAuthorizationCodeFlow();
  5. Logout
    await manager.logout();