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Using the access token

package:oidc's role ends once you get the access_token/id_token, and what you do with it is outside the scope of the package.

However here are common best practices on how you can get and use the access_token in different libraries.

Getting the access token

You can get the access token from the OidcToken object, that you can get from the OidcUser object.

You can get the OidcUser in 2 ways:

  1. Reactive way: listening on the OidcUserManager.userChanges() stream.
  2. Non-Reactive way: OidcUserManager.currentUser property.

So the general idea is that when you are sending a request, you would first get the access token, then add it as a header Authorization: Bearer access_token.

const kAuthorizationHeader = 'Authorization';

void tryAppendAccessToken(OidcUserManager userManager, Map<String, dynamic> headers) {
  if (headers.containsKey(kAuthorizationHeader)) {
    // do nothing if header already exists.
  final accessToken = userManager.currentUser?.token.accessToken;
  if (accessToken == null) {
    // do nothing if there is no access token.
  headers[kAuthorizationHeader] = 'Bearer $accessToken';


Best practice is to create an interceptor that is aware of the current OidcUserManager.

Interceptor Example

import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:oidc/oidc.dart';

class OidcUserManagerInterceptors extends Interceptor {
  const OidcUserManagerInterceptors({
    required this.userManager,

  final OidcUserManager userManager;

  void onRequest(RequestOptions options, RequestInterceptorHandler handler) {
    _tryAppendAccessToken(userManager, options.headers);;

Usage Example

dio.interceptors.add(OidcUserManagerInterceptors(userManager: manager));


Best practice is to create your own Client that wraps around another Client.

Client Example

import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:oidc/oidc.dart';

/// Wraps an http client to automatically add the `Authorization` header.
class OidcHttpClient extends BaseClient {
    required this.originalClient,
    required this.userManager,

  final Client originalClient;
  final OidcUserManager userManager;

  Future<StreamedResponse> send(BaseRequest request) {
    _tryAppendAccessToken(userManager, request.headers);
    return originalClient.send(request);

Usage Example

final client = OidcHttpClient(
  originalClient: Client(),
  userManager: manager,
// client.get(...);